Barbie x The Caroline Doll
Good morning my pretty Dolls! Wow, another week flew by already? I don’t have the best perception of time because I’m constantly hustling, but I don’t look at that as a bad thing. In fact, I love it! I wake up before the sun because I know I’m helping my other Boss Dolls do something monumental for themselves! Let me see those hands: who wakes up before the sunrise to reach their goals?
Check it out: First Barbie created est 1959!
Today’s blog is going to be a bit different! This month is quite special to me because it’s Barbie’s birthday (March 9th) and my birthday (March 25th), so I love having a Barbie x The Caroline Doll collaboration at The Doll HQ to pay my respects to my icon!
I truly admire Barbie. She’s been an iconic figure since 1959. Yes Dolls, she’ll be turning 62 this year, and she is as beautiful as ever.
I look up to Barbie for many different reasons. I love how flawless and courageous she is. I love her beauty AND her brains. I love her sense of fashion and style. And what I love most of all? I love how Barbie can BE and DO anything. I know, Dolls, you’ve probably heard me preach about this before, but I can’t help but keep that constant reminder to my other Boss Dolls that you’re limitless and you have the whole world ahead of you, no matter how old you are or where you are in life!
There is this Barbie commercial that came out in 2015 created by BBDO. It's called “Imagine the Possibilities” and that’s damn right, Dolls! Imagine ALL possibilities when you put your mind to accomplishing something. Within this commercial, (check out the video below) there is a group of little girls playing working-adult roles. There’s a professor, businesswoman, men’s soccer coach, veterinarian, and a museum tour guide. This commercial truly makes my heart smile because of the female empowerment it represents. For as long as I could remember, women are hesitant to do what they desire. To this day, I talk to Boss Dolls all the time about what’s holding them back from chasing ALL that their lives can be. But Barbie gives little girls (or boys!) the mindset that you have CHOICES. And you can go as far as you want to go when you can imagine ALL of those possibilities.
In my journey as an entrepreneurial woman, it took me a while to realize that I wanted to be my own Boss Doll + CEO and help other women live that dream, too! It really did start back on a random Tuesday afternoon. I was floating on my big pink flamingo and I thought to myself, "I want to be my own Boss Doll, run my own business, and help other entrepreneurial women live their best Doll life!” See what can happen when you imagine the possibilities?
Can anyone guess which little girl I would be from the commercial?!
Haha, yes, Dolls! I would be the businesswoman chatting on the phone, sharing where I have traveled throughout the world!
Fast forward to today, Barbie is the inspiration behind POSH PR® and my own personal inspiration. She’s been there for my team and I since POSH PR® was born 8 years ago, and she’s there for all of my wonderful Doll clients!
On that note…